Filling - Light Filling

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Filling - Light Filling

The collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid structure on the skin and subcutaneous tissues start altering or the production decreases due to various reasons (genetic, age, sun, smoking, alcohol, stress, etc.). Deterioration and wrinkles occur in parallel with the alteration of the structure or production decrease. The decreasing or damaged agents can be restored with the injection method in order to get rid of the wrinkles causing us to look old and tired. Some of the agents being used for filling purpose can be counted as Collagen fillings, hyaluronic acid fillings, human-based collagen fillings, autologous fat fillings, and various synthetic filling materials. The selection in the filling material selection must be made in accordance with the need of the person (with the decision of the patient and doctor). The main part that filling is applied are; wrinkles on the face, lip thickening, overcoming the deteriorations on the face, etc.

1- What is the Light Filling applied for?

It is applied to remove the fine and deep lines and deteriorations on the face and body, heal scars, thicken the lips, weight the cheeks.

2- To which parts is the filling applied?

It is applied to the parts such as the forehead, chin, neck, nasolabial lines reaching from the sides of the nose to the lips, lips, cheeks, cheekbones, the part between the eyebrows. It is also applied to the tissue losses and deteriorations occurring on the body for some reason, bottom, and breast augmentation, body-building.

3- How long does the filling last?

The fillings containing hyaluronic acid lasts for 9 months up to 1.5 years. There are also fillings that last for life but their trustworthiness is less.

4- Is filling a painful application?

The filling is not a painful procedure since it is applied by using local anesthetic cream

5- What does the filling contain?

It generally consists of the agent already existing between the cells in our body naturally which is called hyaluronic acid. The person’s own fat is used generally in the permanent fillings. Sometimes fillings with animal content are used.

6- Can filling be applied in every age?

The filling can be applied at every age after 18 if it is needed.

7- Is filling harmful?

The fillings with hyaluronic acid content are not harmful; however, the fillings with animal or silicon content have the possibility of allergy and cyst.

8- How long does the filling take?

The filling procedure takes 15-30 minutes.

9- Does the filling procedure cause swell and purpleness?

If the skin is not inclined to bleed, there wouldn’t be any purpleness. Sometimes, small purpleness can be seen which can heal within 1 week or 10 days when it coincides with a small capillary vessel. A little bit of swell can occur depending on the application area. The swell can decrease with a cool compress.

10- Would the appearance look natural after filling application?

The face fillings settle under the skin through their liquidity, adapt to the mimic movements, the color does not change in a way that it will be noticed from the outside and therefore, the appearance becomes natural.

11- What are the things to take into consideration after the filling procedure?

The area of application must not contact with water for 4 hours after the procedure. The filling materials’ permanence decreases when they are exposed to excessive heat.

12- Can radiofrequency be applied after the filling procedure?

Radiofrequency application to the area of filling wouldn’t be right since the filling melts when it is exposed to heat. The life of the filling shortens.

13- What is light filling?

It is an application supporting cell renewal and reconstitution.

14- What is the difference between the light filling and other fillings?

It not only fills the wrinkles but also helps the skin to reconstitute and renew itself.

15- What is the content of the light filling?

It consists of hyaluronic acid, amino acid, mineral, and vitamins.

16- How long does the light filling last?

It lasts for 1 year after an application cure of 3 sessions.

17- What is the under-eye light filling applied for?

It is applied for relieving the dark circles and purpleness under the eyes and the wrinkles.

18- How long does the under-eye light filling last?

It lasts up to 1,5 years on average.